Unusual tours of Orleans : from crypts to street art...

Discover Orléans in a different way? Find inspiration among our unusual tours: street art, crypt tours...
  • orl-ans-de-haut-en-bas-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-4-1400
  • orl-ans-de-haut-en-bas-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-2-1397
  • orl-ans-de-haut-en-bas-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-1-1398
  • orl-ans-de-haut-en-bas-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-3-1399
  • orl-ans-de-haut-en-bas-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-5-1401
  • Rate :
    • 9€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 2h
  • :
    • 12 ans
  • Not for pregnant women
  • Pets not allowed
  • le-myst-re-de-la-crypte-2-1383
  • le-myst-re-de-la-crypte-1384
  • orleans-val-de-loire-tourisme-345-401
  • orleans-val-de-loire-tourisme-346-402
  • Rate :
    • 11,50€ / pers.
  • from :
    • 8 years
  • Duration :
    • 1h
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • la-ville-du-dessous-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-1-1402
  • la-ville-du-dessous-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-2-1403
  • la-ville-du-dessous-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-3-1404
  • Rate :
    • 9€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 1h30
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • fiesta-velo-3-1552
  • fiesta-v-lo-orl-ans-1525
  • fiesta-v-lo-orl-ans-2-1526
  • Rate :
    • 10€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 30 min
  • :
    • 16 ans
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • jardin-des-plantes-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-3-1509
  • a-la-decouverte-du-jardin-des-plantes-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-3-1503
  • jardin-des-plantes-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-2-1507
  • jardin-des-plantes-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-1508
  • Rate :
    • 11€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 1h30
  • Pets not allowed
  • street-art-orleans-1448
  • street-art-vinaigreries-orleans-visite-guidee-416
  • street-art-orleans-visite-665
  • jef-aerosol-street-art-a-orleans-visite-guidee-417
  • Rate :
    • 9€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 2h
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • chasse-au-tresorleans-2-1505
  • Rate :
    • 20 / pers.
    • / adulte
  • Duration :
    • 2h
  • :
    • 12 ans
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • escapade-jazz-paysage-1579
  • boutique-martin-pouret-ludovic-letot-1577
  • orleans-jazz-club-1578
  • Rate :
    • 37€ / pers.
  • :
    • 18 ans
    • Please be patient... This service will soon be available for booking online!
  • Pets not allowed
  • orrorquest-les-frangins-orleans-1419
  • Rate :
    • 29,90€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 2h
  • :
    • 11 ans
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • balade-caleche-famille-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-1459
  • Rate :
    • 8,50€ / adulte
    • 6,50€ / enfant
  • from :
    • Tout public
  • Duration :
    • 25 min
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
  • Pets not allowed
  • porte-bannier-place-martroi-651
  • porte-bannier-place-martroi-2-652
  • porte-bannier-place-martroi-3-653
  • Rate :
    • 4€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 40 min
    • Please be patient... This service will soon be available for booking online!
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • visite-office-tourisme-orleans-mystere-crypte-saint-aignan-halloween-1169
  • crypte-saint-aignan-orleans-halloween-409
  • Visite de la Crypte Saint-Aignan
  • Visite de la Crypte Saint-Aignan
  • Rate :
    • 11€ / pers.
  • from :
    • 8 years
  • Duration :
    • 1h
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • balade-lampions-orleans-nuit-677
  • Rate :
    • 17€ / adulte
    • 8,50€ / enfant
  • Duration :
    • 1h30
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • crypte-saint-aignan-1437
  • Rate :
    • 4€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 1h
    • The new programme will be available soon.
  • Pets not allowed
  • visite-guidee-crypte-saint-avit-orleans-830
  • Rate :
    • 4€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 1h
    • The new programme will be available soon.
  • Pets not allowed
  • plume-de-nature-2-1543
  • plume-de-nature-1544
  • Rate :
    • 18€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 1h30
    • Please be patient... This service will soon be available for booking online!
  • velo-combleux-ludovic-letot-2-1542
  • Rate :
    • 17€ / pers.
  • from :
    • 12 years
  • Duration :
    • 2h
  • Pets not allowed
  • cafes-jeanne-darc-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-ludovic-letot-1489
  • chocolaterie-royale-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-ludovic-letot-1487
  • martin-pouret-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-ludovic-letot-1488
  • Rate :
    • 21€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 2h
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Pets not allowed
  • visites-ateliers-vinaigrerie-martin-pouret-office-de-tourisme-orleans-780
  • Rate :
    • 11€ / pers.
  • from :
    • 12 years
  • Duration :
    • 1h30
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Pets not allowed
  • legende-saint-aignan-1342
  • Rate :
    • 22€ / adulte
    • 12€ / enfant
  • Duration :
    • 2h
  • :
    • 7 ans
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
  • sur-les-traces-aurelien-1344
  • Rate :
    • 22€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 3h
  • :
    • 12 ans
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
  • cal-che-halloween-orleans-800x600-1422
  • balade-caleche-orleans-1239
  • Rate :
    • 8€ / adulte
    • 6€ / enfant
  • Duration :
    • 25 min
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Family visits
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
  • Pets not allowed