Children's special

Book a visit, a booklet-game or a workshop for your children!
  • fiesta-velo-3-1552
  • fiesta-v-lo-orl-ans-1525
  • fiesta-v-lo-orl-ans-2-1526
  • Rate :
    • 10€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 30 min
  • :
    • 16 ans
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • orrorquest-les-frangins-orleans-1419
  • Rate :
    • 29,90€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 2h
  • :
    • 11 ans
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • balade-caleche-famille-destination-orleans-val-de-loire-1459
  • Rate :
    • 8,50€ / adulte
    • 6,50€ / enfant
  • from :
    • Tout public
  • Duration :
    • 25 min
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
  • Pets not allowed
  • jeu-castor-1000-1052
  • Rate :
    • 6€ / pers.
  • from :
    • 6 à 10 years
  • Duration :
    • 1h
  • Family visits
  • Pets allowed
  • visite-office-tourisme-orleans-mystere-crypte-saint-aignan-halloween-1169
  • crypte-saint-aignan-orleans-halloween-409
  • Visite de la Crypte Saint-Aignan
  • Visite de la Crypte Saint-Aignan
  • Rate :
    • 11€ / pers.
  • from :
    • 8 years
  • Duration :
    • 1h
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • legende-saint-aignan-1342
  • Rate :
    • 22€ / adulte
    • 12€ / enfant
  • Duration :
    • 2h
  • :
    • 7 ans
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
  • visite-famille-vah-orleans-jeanne-darc-reconquete-orleans-1077
  • Rate :
    • Gratuit
  • Duration :
    • 1h30
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • caleche-de-noel-a-orleans-1209
  • Rate :
    • 8,50€ / adulte
    • 6€ / enfant
  • from :
    • Tout public
  • Duration :
    • 25 min
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
  • Pets not allowed
  • visite-ville-dart-et-dhistoire-orleans-motif-monument-1168
  • Rate :
    • Gratuit
  • from :
    • 6 à 12 years
  • Duration :
    • 1h30
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Family visits
  • Pets not allowed
  • sur-les-traces-aurelien-1344
  • Rate :
    • 22€ / pers.
  • Duration :
    • 3h
  • :
    • 12 ans
    • This service is currently unavailable.
  • Family visits
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
  • cal-che-halloween-orleans-800x600-1422
  • balade-caleche-orleans-1239
  • Rate :
    • 8€ / adulte
    • 6€ / enfant
  • Duration :
    • 25 min
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Family visits
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
  • Pets not allowed
  • Rate :
    • Gratuit
  • from :
    • 6-12 years
  • Duration :
    • 1h
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Family visits
  • sterne-visite-ville-dart-et-dhistoire-canal-dorleans-940
  • Rate :
    • Gratuit
  • from :
    • 6 à 12 years
  • Duration :
    • 2h
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Family visits
  • atelier-enfants-ville-dart-et-d-histoire-orleans-pop-up-jeanne-darc-1270
  • Rate :
    • Gratuit
  • from :
    • 7 years
  • Duration :
    • 2h
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Family visits
  • visite-ville-dart-et-d-histoire-orleans-visite-a-deux-voix-animation-enfants-les-images-de-jeanne-1271
  • Rate :
    • Gratuit
  • Duration :
    • 1h30
    • This service is no longer available.
  • Family visits